The Democrat party officially lost Arizona the last swing state. This has left them asking who is to blame? Two words, One enemy. Charlie Kirk.

Charlie Kirk used advanced logic and reason to confuse our precious youth into voting for someone they thought they agreed with. Obviously, they didn’t agree with Trump and their votes are a result of vicious white mansplaining. Their professors tried to prevent this gross misuse of the First Amendment by debating Charlie but he answered questions with questions, a tactic known to cause loss of tongue and endanger their teaching careers. Please stop this dangerous man before he runs for president!

Our carefully curated college campuses must be a safe space for all ideas that benefit the country. He was spreading rampant mis- and disinformation.

Before the next election, most universities will advocate for making the entire campus a “Safe Space” to avoid his dangerous rhetoric. We must not allow our youth to be corrupted by this villain!
